Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Water Summit for Arkansas Rice Farmers Cancelled

Speakers from Delta Plastics and Missouri Delta Research Station have cancelled their participation in a water summit for Arkansas Rice Farmers.  The speakers were to give presentations on programs that promote water conservation and irrigation efficiency for two rice farmer’s summits planned for December 13 and 14 at the Brinkley Convention Center at Brinkley, AR.  The Water Summit for Arkansas Rice Farmers was being sponsored by Arkansas Wildlife Federation, National Wildlife Federation, Delta Plastics, and Valmont Irrigation.
The following speakers were tapped to present information on various advances in water conservation and irrigation technology:  Phil Tacker, Irrigation Specialist for Delta Plastics and retired University of Arkansas Extension Agricultural Engineer, and Chris DeClerk, Irrigation Research Specialist, were to discuss Multiple Inlet Rice Irrigation and the Phaucet Program for Furrow Irrigation.
Gene Stevens, Extension crop production specialist at the Missouri Delta Research Center was slated to present research conducted to evaluate mechanized irrigation on rice. Valley Irrigation, the Missouri Delta Research Center, EMBRAPA (the Brazilian agricultural research service) and Rice Tec have partnered to develop the Circles for Rice program. Stevens was to give a presentation on the Circles for Rice program and three years of field trial data.
Fred Ferrell, past Missouri Director of Agriculture and present owner of Mid-Valley Irrigation, is a Missouri farmer who has developed a successful strategy for raising rice using center pivot irrigation. Ferrell was to give an analysis on the past 10 years production and discuss a successful crop rotation program that he has implemented on his own farm.
The Arkansas Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation support water conservation and irrigation efficiency for landowners. Conserving and protecting wildlife and our natural resources for future generations is the basis for AWF and NWF’s mission. The two organizations realize that farmers play a significant role in using Arkansas’ natural resources and support sustainable use of our resources. A recent University of Arkansas landowner survey indicated that farmers were interested in learning more about new technology that conserves water and promotes irrigation efficiency.  NWF and AWF will continue to support farmers and look for future opportunities to bring the new technology and water conservation best management practices to the state.

1 comment:

  1. You site there was a survey done by the University of Arkansas. Where can I find this survey so I can read it?
